Rural Water and Sewer Service Act administrative files, 1974-1979.


Rural Water and Sewer Service Act administrative files, 1974-1979.

The series contains the administrative files of the Division of State Planning concerning the Rural Water and Sewer Service Act from 1974 to 1979. The Community Water and Sewer Association, Inc. administered the Act for the Division. The records include correspondence, report, maps, and blueprints.

1 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 7341736

Florida State Archive

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Community Water and Sewer Association (Fla.) (corporateBody)

Florida. Division of State Planning (corporateBody)

The Division of State Planning was created in 1972 under the Florida State Comprehensive Planning Act (Ch. 72-295, Laws) and Governor's Executive Orders 73-73 and 74-33. The Division prepared and revised the state comprehensive plan regularly; assisted in preparing the annual executive budget and legislative program of the Governor; coordinated planning at the federal, state, and local government levels and between Florida and other states; and served as the state planning and development cleari...

Florida. Rural Water and Sewer Service Act. (corporateBody)